Live! (1994)

Live! by The Barking Dogs (1994)

LIVE was the third album by the French alternative rock group by The Barking Dogs released in 1994. The Barking Dogs band members on this music album include Jason Barnard, Marcus Godwyn and Hugo Scott.

Fun fact: the group organised three concerts on consecutive night in Pantin, near Paris, specifically to record this album!

Album name: LIVE

Record Label: WTPL Music.

Format: CD, Album.

Country: France.

Release date: 1994.

Genre: Rock.

Style: Alternative Rock, Punk Folk.

Live! - Tracklist

Track Number Song Timing
1 Basta 6:00
2 Madeleine 3:31
3 When I First Came To Town 5:43
4 Bumpkin Billionaires 1:44
5 Drunkard’s Dream 4:04
6 Yesterday Is Here 5:33
7 You Might As Well Be Dead 3:53
8 The Ace Of Spades 4:31
9 Drunkard’s Dream (Reprise) 4:16
10 Whisky In The Jar 2:42
11 Mr Kayyam’s Tango 4:30
12 Fine again 3:30
13 Ty Zh Méné Pidmanoula 3:20
14 Life Looks Better 2:53
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